
東 慶太 

ひがし けいた

1980年 東京に生まれ、神奈川県の茅ヶ崎で育つ。
桐蔭学園中学・高校、明治学院大学 卒業。



Production, Direction, and Screenplay by

Keita Higashi 

Born in Tokyo in 1980 and raised in Chigasaki, Kanagawa. He graduated from Toin Gakuen Junior and Senior High School and Meiji Gakuin University. 


The aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake had a profound impact on Higashi, prompting deep introspection and leading him to shape the foundation of this story. 

He began writing in 2012 and, in 2017, completed and published the novel Creep (Hampa-Mono in Japanese). 


From the very beginning, he felt the limitations of conveying his world through text alone. Determined to bring his vision to life in a clearer and more direct way, he resolved to adapt the story into a film. 

Despite the difficulties, he embarked on the project as a fully self-financed endeavor. Writing the screenplay himself, and with the full support of the production company Outside, Higashi took on the role of director to personally bring his vision to the screen.